
Thursday 8 December 2016

Japanese Vocabulary list: Trains (電車) and related terms

  • 電車 (densha): Train   [this word is written with the Kanji for “electricity” and “car”, and thus is generally used to refer to electronic trains]
  • 〜本 (~hon): Counter for trains [一本、二本、三本, etc….] (ippon, nihon, sanbon, etc)
  • 列車 (ressha): Train [more general meaning than 電車 and can extend to non-electronic trains, though arguably sounds more formal than 電車]
  • 乗る (noru): To ride  [use に particle after the train, if specified]
  • 降りる (oriru): To get off [typically use を, though から is also possible]
  • 乗り換える (norikaeru): To change trains
  • 乗り遅れる (noriokureru): To miss a train
  • 乗り過ごす (norisugosu): To miss a train
  • 鉄道 (tetsudou): Railroad
  • 鉄道会社 (tetsudou gaisha): Railroad company
  • 銀河鉄道の夜 (ginga testudo no yoru): Great famous novel by Kenji Miyazawa (“Night on the Galactic Railroad”)
  • 地下鉄 (chikatetsu): Subway
  • 駅 (eki): Train station
  • 駅員 (eki): Station attendant
  • ターミナル駅 (taaminaru eki): Terminal station  (where tracks end)
  • 改札口 (kaisatsuguchi): Ticket gate
  • 切符 (kippu): Ticket [sometimes written in Hiragana as きっぷ]
  • 乗車券 (joushaken): Train ticket
  • 通る (tooru): To go through something [use を with what is being passed through. Ex: a person through a gate, a train through a tunnel]
  • 通過する (tsuuka suru): To pass through
  • 通過駅 (tsuukaeki): A station that is passed through without stopping at
  • 時間表 (jikanhyou): Time table (can be for train times at the station or something else)
  • 掲示板 (keijiban): Bulletin board (can refer to informational, digital boards in stations, but also can refer to internet forums)
  • 行き先 (ikisaki): Destination (of a train, etc.)
  • 目的地 (mokutekichi): Destination (literally “target location”)
  • 出発 (shuppatsu): Depart [can be a noun as is, or as averb with する]
  • 出発進行 (shuppatsu shinkou): Equivalent of “all aboard!” when a train is starting to move
  • 到着 (touchaku): Arrive  [can be a noun as is, or as averb with する]
  • ホーム (hoomu): Platform which you walk on before getting on or off a train
  • 汽車 (kisha): Steam train
  • 機関車 (kikansha): Engine / locomotive
  • 路面電車 (romen densha): Streetcar [runs on a track]
  • シュッシュポッポ (shusshu poppo): One way to describe the sound of a steam train moving
  • ガタンゴトン (gatan goton): One way to describe a modern (electric) train moving
  • 車両 (sharyou): [train] car
  • 架線 (kasen): Overhead electrical wire
  • 線路 (senro): Train track
  • 踏切 (fumikiri): Train crossing
  • 遅延 (chien): Delay (like when a train is late)
  • 停車 (teisha): a (train) stop
  • 普通列車 (futsuu ressha): A normal train that stops at each station
  • 特急列車 (tokkyuu ressha): High speed train that skips stops to get somewhere faster
  • 夜行列車 (yakou ressha): Night train
  • 女性専用車両 (josei sen’you sharyou): Train car which only women can ride (can be just 女性専用車)
  • 運転席 (untenseki): Place where the person driving the train sits
  • 運転士 (untenshi): Person who drives the train
  • 休止 (kyuushi): Halting/suspension of operation for something, for example running of a train
  • 電車オタク (densha otaku): “train nerd” or someone who is really crazy about collecting, playing with, and/or studying about trains
  • 新幹線 (shinkansan): Bullet train, speed train
  • 連結 (renketsu): Linking or coupling of trains
  • 脱線 (dassen): Derailment [sometimes used for trains, but also used metaphorically to refer to a conversation, etc.]

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